brag corner
organize your wardrobe and Secret Santa event ideas
1. I would like not a favorite items list only allowing 10 items BUT a system like the saved outfits where you can organize your wardrobe the way you want... like if you want a section to see all pet items (i mean like the jacket where your holing cat or walking dog or the accessory of a cat in arm etc.) you can easily add them all together and get to all of only them easily …
how it could be done is you buy or win collection spots (again like the saved outfits) and maybe have a 50-100 items limit to them and instead of the hearts/favorites spot on the actual clothing items it has a + instead and then can pick which collection to put items in..... the way I would think it would look is like in my quick mock up photos below i just used my saved outfits and dresses for the example but it should still convey the design
2. it would be nice to do like a secret Santa event like thing ---- kind of set up like the wedding gift buying --- you push a button to participate --- you select all the items you would be happy to receive ---- a second page comes up of all the gifts you secret person/s want (not stating who they are) you can select if you only want 1 or more to give to (maybe) you have till the event ends to buy some/all items or add to your list of items you want maybe having a little note that can come with it from you... maybe ??? and everyone doesn't receive the gifts till the day after the secret Santa event finishes --- this is so there is no chance of bullying to give get items it is all random